By Ray Cardello for October 18, 2022 Season 13 / Post 43
The Economy should be the number 1 issue in the Midterm Elections in 21 days. There is no energy crisis in the White House as the President continues to gaslight the American people. The polls show that this approach works for 21% of Americans who believe we have a strong economy. These people are as out of touch with reality as the President and every one of his feckless surrogates. I use the term feckless a lot to describe this Administration because I vow not to use profanity in my posts. These people are idiots. There is no other explanation. They occupy their positions because of diversity and not competence.

Everyone with a wallet or purse knows we are already in a recession. We don’t need two quarters of negative growth. We do not need to see how negatively impacted our 401k’s are. We do not need to know the total on the gas pump or the receipt at the grocery store. We just need to look in our wallets or purse where we used to have some cash the day before payday. That surplus is long gone; hopefully, that is a word we can use for Democrat incumbents….Gone.
How appropriate that we have a President sucking on an ice cream cone in Portland, Oregon, as he is telling us how strong our economy is. With milk and eggs over $5, no money is left to take the family to King Cone! If he were right, maybe we could all afford a waffle cone. The President’s team took to the Talk Shows on Sunday and did their best to feed the minds of the 21%. These people do not have free-thinking minds. They operate strictly on what they are told. They are not capable of formulating their own opinion. That would take far too much effort.
These people tried in vain to make the Administration’s case. They have nothing substantive, but that does not stop them from trying. The most inept of the bunch is Mayor Pete. He is marched out every time a talking head is needed. If anyone tries to confront his line of thinking, they will be shrugged off as anti-gay, and nobody will care about the content.
The economy is in shambles. The Administration continues to blame Trump for giving them a weak economy and saying that the rest of the world is far worse off than America. Neither is accurate, and the facts prove that. We are in a recession. Not one of Putin’s doing or because of the war in Ukraine. It is wholly on the shoulders of Joe Biden and his horrendous economic policies.
The economy is in such rough shape that no Democrat candidate will run on its merit. That is why the airwaves are full of Abortion ads or Reproductive Rights, as the Left calls abortion. Abortion and personal attack ads are what the Left is running on, which is why the momentum has swung to the right, and the Dems are in trouble. The Left is not motivated to turn out for midterm elections. In three weeks, the Democrats may be lucky to get anyone but the 21% to vote and 21% will not get it done.
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