By Ray Cardello for August 25, 2021 Season 3 / Post 22
Today, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Jenn Psaki tried their best to deflect the narrative and muddy the water. It did not work. Psaki went aggressive at today’s press meeting and, on multiple occasions, claimed that this event in Afghanistan would go down as the most significant airlift in history. Wow! That is creative. Take the most horrific international blunder of all time and try to turn it into a huge success is rich. She has no facts to back the number of evacuees she claimed, how many Americans were recovered, or finally, how many remain outside the airport. It was a good act but far too transparent to work.
Kamala Harris addressed the press at the Singapore airport and tripped miserably over her lips. She started by saying that Afghanistan is the biggest priority of the Administration. While on a tarmac in Singapore heading to Vietnam, it is hard to believe that Afghanistan is even on her mind.
Then we have Joe Biden, who was nearly four hours late for his scheduled address today. He was expected to speak and address the situation in Afghanistan. He came out and addressed the “Make America Better” initiative and HR 1 Voting Bill. Americans are stranded in Afghanistan, and Joe talks about bills passed in the House that will die in the Senate. Like Psaki, I guess deflection is the rule of the day. He then went on to Afghanistan and, like Psaki, was bragging about unsubstantial numbers. An excellent game of illusion. If you cannot be good, deflect and lie.
Joe Biden has gone from silent a week ago to daily readings of a prepared statement followed by walking off the stage while having questions yelled at his back. All he needs is the mic drop. Except nobody is buying his line of BS.
The clock is ticking. The Taliban is calling the shots, and Biden is holding to his August 31 deadline to remove all Americans and Afghan Friendlys we can airlift out. Every video clip from the airport shows a bottleneck of humanity stalled at the gates. The videos show little movement of bodies through the checkpoint, yet Biden and Psaki are claiming thousands of evacuees have already been airlifted.
This situation is far too critical for these amateur tactics. We have a week left until the August 31 deadline set by Biden and now insisted upon by the Taliban. Unknown numbers of Americans and Afghans wanting out of Afghanistan are waiting to be airlifted. The Military personnel has already started to leave. We have surrendered enough equipment in Afghanistan to supply a vast army. We see the Taliban already driving some of our Hummers. Let’s hope they cannot get the Blackhawks started. All this is happening while our big three are putting on a charade.
Nobody knows how this next week is going to play out. Inevitably, Americans will not make it onto planes to safety. They will become pawns in the Taliban game. Afghans will not make it out and will be subject to gruesome torture by the Taliban. This is going to get very ugly before it is over. There will be killed and injured and every damaged, or dead body will be on Biden. Already called the worst fiasco in American history, the sad story is we have not hit bottom yet. Biden still has forty points to fall on his approval rating before he flat-lines. The over is seven days. Place your bets.
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