By Ray Cardello for February 9, 2023 Season 16 / Post 13
Anyone who tuned in Tuesday evening expecting to see the annual State of the Union address was terribly disappointed. What they saw was the first campaign speech Of the 2024 Presidential race. The President’s reelection campaign should receive an invoice for a one-hour primetime slot on every network. With a litany of lies that came so fast and furiously that the NY Post stopped counting. The 2023 SOTU was a 4 Pinnochio event. Unfortunately, most Americans believe the President and do not have the patience for rebuttal or fact-checking. Tuesday night was a disservice to all Americans on both sides of the aisle. We expect better from our Commander in Chief, but not the current occupant of the White House.
Joe Biden used the term “Finish the Job” on 12 separate occasions and made it obvious that phrase would be the bumper sticker moniker for Biden’s reelection. With over 60% polled saying we are heading in the wrong direction, “Finish the Job” should be exchanged with a letter of resignation. How can this Administration look at the poll numbers, single out any parameter, and say hop on and help me finish the job?
The night turned awkward with the entrance of Jill Biden into the gallery, and she kissed the First Gentleman on the lips. The wife of the President joining lips with the husband of the Vice President could not be in the worst taste while thirty to forty million Americans are watching. It is disheartening and proves my earlier statement on the public’s expectation of the facts that the overnight numbers show 72% have a favorable view of the President’s address. This was the same time that fact-checkers struggled to keep up with Joe. The Washington Post, a self-proclaimed Left-leaning newspaper, awarded the President Four Pinnochios for the speech.
The issues he failed to touch on were more important than what the President said or misrepresented. He continues not to criticize China and its human rights violations, the origin of the COVID vaccine, the primary manufacturer of Fentanyl, the invasion of Americans’ privacy with TikTok, and now the violation of our sovereignty with a surveillance balloon. He failed to thank our troops, the brave men and women who keep us safe around the globe. He did not admit the crisis at our Southern, and now our Nothern, Border where over five million illegals, and at least one hundred on the terrorist watchlist, entered our country. He didn’t mention the failure of our education system, where test scores have hit a thirty-year low. He failed to mention the pain at the checkout for Americans watching their grocery and energy bills skyrocket. He skipped the fact the many Americans still cannot find infant formula or antibiotics. But he continued to gaslight Americans telling us how great we have it, we just don’t recognize the truth. He didn’t dare touch the investigations into his son, Hunter Biden, and the money laundering scheme of the Biden Cartel.
Joe Biden does want to finish the job. He wants six more years to fatten the Biden fortunes with dirty money. It is a shame that his family does not step in and protect him from the rigors of a Presidential run. It is obvious that he is not mentally prepared for the job, but since he skipped his annual physical, we now have to wonder about his physical abilities.
As Conservatives, we have to finish our job and increase our majority in the House, regain the majority in the Senate, and replace Joe Biden in the White House with a Republican leader that can get this country on track.
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