By Ray Cardello for June 24, 2021. Season 2 / Special Post 10
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok may be coming to the end of the line. It is self-inflicted—a kind of High Tech Suicide. By becoming their own censors of information, they have made themselves irrelevant. Facebook has not notified me of an official suspension. They just refuse to allow specific topics of my Blog on their News Feed. No explanation, just blockage of the post.
I happened to go onto the Games Page today and was blown away by the pornographic-level game apps they were promoting and are available for all ages. Yet, a post on Critical Race Theory is not worthy of publishing. Also, how can anyone in this country, regardless of political sway, be okay with our former President being suspended for two years from posting on Social Media? That is unacceptable and not in line with a country that strives for Freedom of Speech.
Enter sites like ReTalk. https://retalk.com/ is a site that hosts Posts, Texts, and Pictures sent in from members worldwide. Advertised as a new social network and discussion board for the non-woke. Our tagline is “Civil discussion for the center and center-right.” Any topic written in a civil fashion is allowed, and though there are specific categories like Politics, COVID-19, AskRT, Social Justice, and Funny, there are no boundaries for discussion.
ReTalk was banned from Facebook last week, just like Donald Trump, Mike Lindell, and others. Established Social Network sites may attempt to silence upstarts like ReTalk, but like the people who are now speaking up against local governments and school boards, you cannot keep the masses down and silent forever.
My young blogsite has been published by over a dozen independent news websites and seen by over 300,000 people in over 30 countries. My Podcasts are now on six platforms and gaining momentum. Sites like USSANews, Conservative Daily News, RightNewsWire, and now ReTalk are reaching out to partner and share our information. The network is growing, and if it stays true to its mission to allow a free flow of information, there may be no limits to its reach.
I am proud of my Blog and Podcast. I am just one person from New Hampshire with the time and energy to let my opinions come to life. I am humbled to be a part of this new Social Movement in communicating ideas. Only by voicing our opinions, being open to conversation, and even criticism can we better understand each other. Isn’t that what the human race is all about? From every corner of the globe, people from every background communicate for a better understanding of who we are, where we came from, and how we can grow together.
Thank you to sites like ReTalk for having the courage to step up and fill the void. May you realize the success but not the notoriety of your Social predecessors. Stay true, and your followers will stay with you and support you.
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