This is not funny. His policies are dangerous. I realize that Joe Biden has one task that he is lazer focussed on and that is to overturn every decision that Donald Trump […]
This is not funny. His policies are dangerous. I realize that Joe Biden has one task that he is lazer focussed on and that is to overturn every decision that Donald Trump […]
Early in the first wave of the virus, Hart Island was used to bury the dead. Credit…John Minchillo/Associated Press You would think the death of anyone due to COVID-19 would be about […]
This woman is amazing. In a previous post I went into what Tulsi Gabbard has been but I would rather focus on what or who she might be. I think that her […]
Warning: this video contains fouls language and the truth. I will not be in the practice of simply grabbing videos from YouTube and pasting them on my Blog. When I saw this […]
The official President Biden agenda for Wednesday, February 10. The following is a summary of the call between Biden and Xi WASHINGTON — President Biden spoke Wednesday evening with President Xi Jinping […]
One of the Democrat’s campaign promises could prove costly for America The idea of raising the Federal Minimum Wage to $15 has been a talking point for Senator Bernie Sanders for years. […]
As a white male, I don’t even know what all the labels about me mean! Growing up an Italian in Lawrence, Massachusetts in the 60’s and 70’s was not easy on the […]
Nancy Pelosi proudly displays the Article of Impeachment Today begins the second impeachment hearing in the Senate to remove President Donald Trump from office. But wait a minute. Isn’t Donald Trump already […]
Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) has introduced a gun control bill that should draw criticism and sneers When are the Dems going to have a come to Jesus moment and realize they have […]
Driving High School kids to and from home has been a pleasure. Starting a new phase of my retirement years brought me to drive a school bus this past September. I wasn’t […]