Rep. Eric Swalwell lectures from the Mount
When it was learned months ago the Eric Swalwell had been, or may still be, involved in a relationship with a Chinese spy, it was quickly swept under the rug by most media outlets, there were no significant investigations, Swalwell kept his spot on the Intelligence Committee and the spy, a Chinese national named Fang Fang or Christine Fang, was tipped off by Swalwell that her cover was blown and she fled the country before ever being questioned by the FBI or any law enforcement agency. Any ramifications for this….none.

Clockwise from top left: Fang with then-Dublin City Councilmember Eric Swalwell at an October 2012 student event; undated photo of Fang, now former Fremont Mayor Bill Harrison and Rep. Judy Chu; Fang with then-Rep. Mike Honda and then-San Jose city Councilmember Ash Kalra at a March 2014 event at the Chinese Embassy in D.C. Sources: Renren, Facebook, Facebook
This all seems surreal as Nancy Pelosi pledged her confidence in Swalwell and denied any further action but then she chooses him as an Impeachment Manager tasked at bringing down the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump…..but wait, he is already the former President but we have covered that in a previous post. This farce was all about embarrassing Trump and the Republican Party and ultimately to prevent Trump from ever running for office again. They are paranoid of this man and it all failed miserably.
So watching the impeachment hearings last week, we got to see Eric Swalwell, the man who may have compromised our country with pillow talk with a Chinese Spy telling us how dangerous Donald Trump was and is. You cannot make this stuff up.
But wait, then it gets just one step more bizarre. In an interview with CNN after the verdict came in and Trump was acquitted, he made the following statement:
“We could have called God herself and the Republicans weren’t going to be willing to convict [Trump],” he said. “So we’re proud of the case we put forward.”
This was not a mistake as he made the same comment on numerous media outlets. If said by anyone else, it could be dismissed but with this man’s history, it just lends to his image as a stooge of the Democrat Party. I can only thank God Herself that he is a Democrat.
Amen and awoman!
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Wow…Good laugh this am
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