By Ray Cardello for January 13, 2021 Season 8 / Post 15
Today marks my 365th post. I started this project one year ago because I felt a need to focus on the facts and voice my conservative opinion to spark a conversation. I look back on this body of work and am amazed at how far we have come. I contend we are less prosperous, less safe, and less physically and mentally healthy than we found in January of 2021. Far, yes, but unfortunately in the wrong direction.
When I reflect a year from now, I hope that I will see that we made some corrections and the country is back on the rails. I fear with Biden and Harris in control of the engine, this train will remain derailed.
We have so many critical issues facing us. With the broken border, the Pandemic, rampant crime, and runaway inflation, where do we find our two members of the chief executive team? They are in Georgia to jointly address the need for voter reform. This issue is what Biden and Harris see as the primary threat facing America. They are misguided.
It is a lie that Republicans are suppressing the vote. More Blacks and Hispanics voted in 2020 than ever before. They are keying on the Georgia Voting Reform Law when voting in Georgia was up 17% in 2020. That increase is far from suppression. If they want to address the voting problems in this country, they should be in New York, not Georgia. New York City now allows green card immigrants to vote in local elections. This law waters down one of the essential elements of being a citizen.
To vote in a New York City election, you only need to show you were a resident for 30 days. You can be a green card holder, V1 Visa holder, or student, and as long as you can verify a thirty-day residency, you can vote in local elections. This new law will change the demographics of any neighborhood in NY City. This is an insult to all citizens for whom the right to vote belongs. Their vote has now been minimized.
So with the number of votes at a record high in 2020 and up in every age, racial, or ethnic category, how can you claim voter suppression? You cannot. Biden, Harris, and any surrogate they can get on the air are lying, but why? The Democrats do not have the votes to pass the elimination of the filibuster, so what is their endgame? Smoke and Mirrors.
With the President and Vice-President exiting Air Force One in a rare joint trip, the media attention was focused on them and not on the many miserable policy areas that are failing. The job numbers fall short of expectations, while Wednesday’s inflation numbers are the highest since 1982. People don’t want to fill empty positions, and those working cannot keep pace with rising prices.
Biden started yelling instead of whispering at his January 6th speech, and that method continued in Georgia. He is coming across as divisive and very non-Presidential. The messaging and delivery are not working for this White House. There is no indication they know how to fix these problems. This White House is drawing more comparisons to Jimmy Carter, and that administration did not work well for Democrats.
Biden decides to take his Jim Crow rant on the road to Georgia, the home of the loudest proponent for voting reform, Stacey Abrams, and she opted to be elsewhere. Abrams claimed she had a scheduling conflict but has yet to disclose what was so critical on her agenda to snub Joe and Kamala. When the President and the Vice President, who Biden referred to as President Harris once again, come to your state to talk about your leading cause, you clear your schedule and stand by their side. Or are their approval ratings too low for you to use the duo?
The Executive Field Trip was not well planned but isn’t that status quo for these two. They are out of touch, out of sync, and have an agenda that has hit a brick wall. A day pushing a failing issue and snubbed by the biggest name in Georgia’s Democrat circles is a metaphor for this administration. The Good Ship Biden is booked for a four-year cruise. He will be back riding AMTRAK in 2025.
This article was first published on The Liberty Loft thelibertyloft.com
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