By Ray Cardello for July 14, 2021 Season 2 / Post 30
Like so many issues for the Left, their arguments change quicker than the New England weather. The Voter ID controversy is a perfect example. The need for an ID to vote has been an issue for years but exploded this spring when Georgia passed a voter reform bill. The bill included a mandate for an ID to vote, which set off politicians and some businesses alike. Stacey Abrams seized the opportunity to put herself on the national stage. She did not capitalize on the opportunity. Abrams’ claims that Voter ID was a racist idea and then changed her stance on the subject to claim that no one has ever been against the ID requirement to vote. Excuse me?
The anger generated over this bill cost the people and businesses of Georgia millions of lost revenue. MLB immediately pulled the 2021 All-Star game from Atlanta and will play it in Colorado. The irony is that Colorado has more restrictive voter laws than the new bill in Georgia. Companies like Coca-Cola and Delta, both based in Georgia, threatened to relocate or cut back on their investment in the state. Dozens of other companies followed suit. This movement showed that the PR departments for these companies allowed these threats to emanate before anyone read the bill. The bill expanded voter opportunities, not restrict them.
The Voter ID argument has morphed from Racist to too difficult for minorities and rural dwellers to conform with. During an interview with BET, Kamala Harris showed how badly she performs when she has to think on her feet and how weak an argument against IDs she holds.
She claimed that the act of Xeroxing or photo-copying an ID is too great a burden for people in rural areas. They would have to travel to Kinko’s (went out of business over ten years ago) or OfficeMax. How could people living in Montana ever accomplish such a feat?
These arguments, not the law, are racist, insulting, condescending, and poorly constructed. First, they insinuated that people of color were not able to obtain an ID. That was both economically and intellectually. And they call us racist. Then they move onto the backward folks of the flyover states. Stuck in the middle of nowhere, they do not have the means to travel to town to get an ID and would never think of using the camera on their cellphones to copy and have it for their town clerk. Damn, how are the illegal immigrants ever going to be able to get their ID so they can cast an illegal vote for their favorite Democrats?
This thinking, or lack of it, is going to come back to haunt these politicians. You cannot continue to insult blocks of voters and still have them support your political future. This trend was evident in 2020 as more Blacks and Hispanics than ever voted for Donald Trump. This trove of new Republican voters will make the Red Wave in 2022 and 2024 more extensive and more dramatic than anyone could envision. We can thank the Democrat politicians for their efforts. We will take all their help to displace them from their elected spot in government.
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This woman is an a55.