A Podcast of my daily Blog for April 20, 2021 My Daily Blog can be viewed by clicking here: https://conservativeviewfromnh.com
Chris Cuomo Should be Fired, But Won’t

What is protecting Chris Cuomo’s job at CNN. Is it his brother being Governor? If so then they both should be canceled. It’s incomprehensible that a news network that believes in giving […]
This Censorship and Cancel Culture Has to End
A Podcast of my daily Blog for April 19, 2021
This Censorship and Cancel Culture Has to End

Twitter has permanently banned journalist James O’Keefe after he releases videos damaging to CNN. O’Keefe was blocked on Thursday after he released his third installment of undercover videos exposing left-wing bias at CNN.Twitter […]
Why Do Liberals Hate America?

If there is any doubt of the hate that Liberals have for America? Is the way they want to transform every aspect of our Republic or the way that leaders of the […]
Kill the Filibuster, Pack the Court, Destroy Our Future
A Podcast of my daily Blog for April 17, 2021
Kill the Filibuster, Pack the Court, Destroy Our Future

Senator Ed Markey, Representative Jerry Nadler and a group of minor support characters took to the steps of the Supreme Court on Thursday at High Noon to announce their plan to destroy […]
Material Liberation….Seriously?
A podcast of my daily Blog for April 16, 2021
Material Liberation….Seriously?

I try every day to come up with a simple post on something positive that has happened. Something uplifting. Something that does not show how upside down this new world has become. […]
Do They Ever Think Before They Speak?
A podcast of my daily Blog for April 15, 2021