Nancy Pelosi proudly displays the Article of Impeachment Today begins the second impeachment hearing in the Senate to remove President Donald Trump from office. But wait a minute. Isn’t Donald Trump already […]
I love this country and what it has meant to the world. We are a young and still forming country but I have very conservative views that make me fearful for the direction many want to see us heading. I believe we are strong enough to keep us on track but making folks aware of the truth is essential to a successful and prosperous future for us all.
Nancy Pelosi proudly displays the Article of Impeachment Today begins the second impeachment hearing in the Senate to remove President Donald Trump from office. But wait a minute. Isn’t Donald Trump already […]
Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) has introduced a gun control bill that should draw criticism and sneers When are the Dems going to have a come to Jesus moment and realize they have […]
Driving High School kids to and from home has been a pleasure. Starting a new phase of my retirement years brought me to drive a school bus this past September. I wasn’t […]
Tucker Carlson Warns: Bank Of America Turning Private Customer Info Over to the Feds Tucker Carlson is a polarizing individual. First of all, he is on FOX which automatically makes him an […]
Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, Reps Omar & Presley and others chose to go outdoors this afternoon in a show of strength as they joined together to urge President Biden to sign an […]
When you stretch the truth so far and so often, how does one keep track of reality? That is a great question we should be asking the Leader of the Squad: Alexandria […]
This is such a disheartening story that the new Biden administration is perpetrating. The fact that children are being held in any manner after they are presented at the US / Mexican […]
The current COVID-19 Economic Relief Bill that the Democrats are trying to push through the Senate has about as much of a chance of passing as Trump being impeached a second time…..oh […]
The CDC, The Center For Disease Control and Prevention, should be an integral component in our war against COVID-19. The staff of the CDC should be concentrating 24/7 on the virus, its […]
We were very fortunate to have hosted the first home meet and greet for General Don Bolduc in August of 2019 when he was launching his quest to displace Jeanne Shaheen in […]