A reading of my daily Blog.
Ray Cardello
I love this country and what it has meant to the world. We are a young and still forming country but I have very conservative views that make me fearful for the direction many want to see us heading. I believe we are strong enough to keep us on track but making folks aware of the truth is essential to a successful and prosperous future for us all.
This is the New Slavery
Podcast for March 23,2021
Welcome to Conservative View From New Hampshire
Welcome to our journey as we opine on the events that impact us all. rcardellocd@gmail.com
This is the New Slavery

March 23, 2021 How ironic that the same people who call us racist for being against an uncontrolled flow of men, women and children across what used to be our southern border […]
When Will The Left Call Out Its Own Hypocrisy?

March 22, 2021 Pick a topic and you can find numerous examples of Left Wing Hypocrisy. There is not even an attempt to hide it or an awareness of the fact that […]
Joe Stumbles But We Cannot Fall

Ray Cardello March 21, 2021 I took some heat for posting the video of Biden falling up the stairs of Air Force 1 on Facebook. I did not post it to mock […]
Listen to What They Say But Watch What They Do

Ray Cardello. March 20, 2021 This is a cute bunch. They are all robotic when it comes to daily talking points. It is even clear that every talking head at CNN and […]
Don’t Turn the Senate into the JV Team

Ray Cardello March 18, 2021 The Senate is supposed to be the dilibertive wing of Congress. Bills pass through the House on a simple majority but when they get to the Senate, […]
If Not a Crisis, Why Do We Need So Many Detention Centers?

Ray Cardello. March 17, 2021 Not since St Patrick chased the snakes out of Ireland have we seen such an exodus from a region. Ever since Biden sent out his invitation to […]
Why Does the Covid Relief Bill Need a Publicity Tour?

Joe Biden and his entire Cabinet and staff are embarking on a “Help is Here” tour to promote the COVID-19 Relief Bill that he signed into law last week. Why do you […]