Congress is not hiding their desire to eliminate guns from law abiding gun owners and they are doing it by submitting and passing bills into law that will shred the power of […]
I love this country and what it has meant to the world. We are a young and still forming country but I have very conservative views that make me fearful for the direction many want to see us heading. I believe we are strong enough to keep us on track but making folks aware of the truth is essential to a successful and prosperous future for us all.
Congress is not hiding their desire to eliminate guns from law abiding gun owners and they are doing it by submitting and passing bills into law that will shred the power of […]
Ray Cardello. March 13, 2021 I would hope that a good number of New Hampshire voters in the 1st District have voters remorse. In sending Chris Pappas to Washington not just once, […]
Ray Cardello March 13, 2021 Our United States Capitol Building, The People’s House, is surrounded like an armed encampment. Sine the demonstration and attack on the Capitol by a group of out […]
Ray Cardello March 12, 2021 It was one of Joe Biden’s earliest statements after becoming President Elect and man did the people below the border listen. Biden threw out the welcome mat […]
Ray Cardello March 11, 2021 It was not so long ago that these three Governors were being praised for their proactive manner they were using to battle COVID-19 in their states. Governor […]
Ray Cardello. March 10, 2021 It will be difficult to not go low with this post. This woman is such a polarizing individual with little accomplishments to her credit but certainly a […]
Three bills are working their way through Congress and may soon be on Biden’s desk for his signature with Kamala either holding the pen or actually holding the President up. These three […]
Ray Cardello. March 8, 2021 New Hampshire needs a strong Conservative candidate to continue our movement of returning the Granite State to a Red State and we may have such a candidate […]
We now are getting a much clearer picture as to why our education systems needed more funds via the COVID Relief Bill. They don’t need the money for PPE. They do not […]
Ray Cardello March 7, 2021 Nancy Pelosi tears up Trump’s SOTU speech in 2020 The State of the Union, usually given by the sitting President to a joint session of Congress in […]